Saturday, February 24, 2007

I Want to Weed out Future Girlfriends with the Same Survey

My school hosted a blood drive yesterday, and I donated during my planning period. Anyone who's donated blood before knows that one must answer a series of monotonous but vital questions to filter out any diseased blood. It was most awkward to overhear some students verbally complete the survey as the donaters gathered around a small table. Although some of the comments were said in jest, here are some of the responses I overheard:

"Did I sleep with someone who was a former prostitute? God, I hope not."

"No, I haven't shared needles with someone in the past 6 months, but I did share a bowl."

"Christy, he didn't have hepatitis, did he?"

"Can I use my fake [ID] to donate blood?"

"You're donating, Matt? Who would want your blood? No one wants your AIDS."

"I want to meet the [110 lb.] weight limit, but I don't want to be fat at the same time."


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