"Please Sign My Petition."
Two male students in my second period class are best friends. They're great students, but the two never get anything productive accomplished when they're together. Consequently, I never seat them together because the temptation to misbehave or talk is too strong. Every quarter, they have nagged me to seat the two of them together and I have always dismissed their plea. The fourth quarter began not too long ago and they, once again, asked if they could sit next to one another. I said no. They asked, "What if we get a petition going?" I laughed and said, "Okay. If you get a petition signed by 1,000 people, I'll allow you to sit together, but I reserve the right to separate you two if you misbehave at any point. Deal?" They agreed. A couple days passed and the two stopped by my classroom intermittently to show me their progress. At the end of the first day, they collected 200 signatures. I doublechecked to see if there were any forgeries; there weren't any. I was impressed. Eventually, word spread around the school about the petition, especially on the day that the two finally obtained 1,000 signatures. I taped them to my blackboard to show other students their hard work. The two students now sit together side by side. I only wish they worked as hard on their assignments as they did on their petition.