Friday, April 28, 2006

My students are so open-minded

[While watching a video about the Holocaust...]
"Why don't the Jews just suck it up and quit complaining already." - black female student
"As soon as you guys quit complaining about slavery." - Hispanic male student
"Shut up, fag." - black female student

Wow. I had to use my Zack Morris "time out" trick in order to remedy the situation.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

This is what I look like...on the internet.

I ran into one of my students at Safeway over Spring Break and he saw my tattoos, which I usually cover up at school. As soon as he returned to school, he spread his newfound knowledge to everyone in class. News later spread to my other students. Everyday I get asked by at least one student to see my inked artwork. Each day I decline, the size of my tattoos grossly exaggerates. I want to roll up my sleeves and show them I'm no Wentworth Miller from Prison Break, but I'd also like to keep my job. Oh well.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Judging Returns on April 17th

Spring Break is in effect; consequently, school's out. I'm at the beach with this blog's many fans. I'm the guy with his his shirt off. No, not that guy. Look to the left. Behind the guy with his arms in the air. Ah, forget it.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

"You been touched by an angel, gurl."

Teachers who attend students' extracurricular events motivate students to succeed in the classroom; therefore, I attended the step team's performance after school today,

which featured two of my students. It reminded me a lot of this scene from Bring It On: urban and awesome. Also, if you looked really closely at the corner of the room, you could see an evil red-headed white girl video taping the performance in order to steal it and mimic it.
Dun Dun DUN!

Monday, April 03, 2006

This is the only way Mark McGrath could be on Jeopardy

Advice I said this morning
: "Do your homework. Beautiful and stupid doesn't last forever. Just ask Mark McGrath."